common bottlenose dolphin in a sentence

  1. Common bottlenose dolphins have been observed using another technique.
  2. Common bottlenose dolphins are popular in aquarium shows and television programs such as " Flipper ".
  3. These groups have been observed socializing with common bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic white-sided dolphins and Risso's dolphins.
  4. In captivity, the long-beaked common dolphin has hybridized with the common bottlenose dolphin ( " Tursiops truncatus " ).
  5. Common bottlenose dolphins are the most familiar dolphins due to the wide exposure they receive in captivity in marine parks and warm and temperate seas worldwide.
  6. It's difficult to find common bottlenose dolphin in a sentence.
  7. Dolphin hunting industry exists in multiple countries including Japan, where common bottlenose dolphins are hunted for food annually in the town of bycatch of tuna fishing.
  8. Research into the thermal conductivity of the common bottlenose dolphin's blubber reveals its thickness and lipid content vary greatly amongst individuals and across life history categories.
  9. It also has more teeth than the common bottlenose dolphin  23 to 29 teeth on each side of each jaw compared to 21 to 24 for the common bottlenose dolphin.
  10. It also has more teeth than the common bottlenose dolphin  23 to 29 teeth on each side of each jaw compared to 21 to 24 for the common bottlenose dolphin.
  11. Dolphins are common; species found along the entire coastline includes the Risso's dolphin, short-beaked common dolphin, striped dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin and the common bottlenose dolphin.
  12. IDP studies focused on a population of endangered short-beaked common dolphins living in the Inner Ionian Archipelago, and a population of common bottlenose dolphins residing in the semi-enclosed Ambracian Gulf.
  13. Much of the old scientific data in the field combine data about the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin and the common bottlenose dolphin into a single group, making it effectively useless in determining the structural differences between the two species.
  14. Formerly three types of dolphins, short-beaked common dolphin, common bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise, regularly visited the Sea of Azov from the Black Sea although the common dolphin usually avoided the basin and Kerch Strait due to low salinity.
  15. There are also less common predators that include " S . marina " in their diet such as the common bottlenose dolphin ( " Tursiops truncatus " ) and juvenile lemon sharks ( " Negaprion brevirostris " ).
  16. Bernd and Melany W黵sig also developed detailed non-invasive photographic recognition of dolphins, and discovered that common bottlenose dolphins, have an  open social system of ever-changing affiliations of individuals in groups and subgroups, a now common-accepted concept for many species and populations.
  17. More:   1  2


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